Authorize Tinx app for SP-API
First, login to your Seller Central Account in Amazon. To do so, head to Partner Network > Selling Partner App store.
Search for ‘TINX’ in the 'Categories' search bar. An app with the name 'Tinx Marketplace Business Central' will appear. Click on that app.
Next, click on the 'Authorize Now' button.
Then, login to authorize access for the TINX App via the SP API.
After logging in, a Token, Seller ID and Refresh Token will appear on the screen.
Copy this Token, Seller ID, Refresh Token and provide it to the TINX team. These tokens will be used for SP API access.
Tinx Sales Channel
Next, we need to add the information from Amazon to the Tinx Sales Channel in Business Central. To do so, head to the created Sales Channel.
Enter the information from the previous steps in the right fields:
Field | Description |
Website | Enter the URL for the right region |
API Endpoint | Is generated automatically |
Marketplace ID | The Marketplace ID of the region |
Consumer Key | AWS Access Key of Amazon |
Consumer Secret | Secret Key of the Tinx AWS Account |
Client ID | Client ID of the Tinx Amazon App |
Client Secret | Client Secret of the Tinx Amazon App |
Webshop Merchant ID | Amazon Seller ID of the merchant |
LWA refresh Token | The value which is generated by Postman |
Amazon API Documentation
The website URL is set up per region. You can find a list here:
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