Job Queues

Job queues in BC enable users to schedule and run specific reports and units of code. You can set jobs to run one at a time, or on a recurring basis.

A job queue can often have many entries, each entry being a job that the queue manages and runs. Information in the entry specifies what code unit or report is run, when and how often the entry is run, in what category the job runs, and how it runs.

Tinx Job Queue Entries for Communication

The Tinx jobs are labelled with the category code 'WEBSHOP'. Default these jobs are inserted to handle the communicton between BC and the webshop:

  • TINX NAS Inbound Mgt (Codeunit 11205263)
  • TINX Outbound Mgt (Codeunit 11205261)

Other Tasks

  • Report 11205251: This reports removes historical data from the Synchronization Ledger Entries table, preventing the BC database of growing with unlimited data. In the E-Commerce Setup you can set the 'No. of Days' the data should be kept. It is recommended to schedule this report once a day at non-working hours.
  • Report 11205267: If it can sometimes take a long time before a payment is approved for a web order, you might schedule this report. This report resets the number of order checks.
  • Report 11205290: Check Finished/Error Jobs. If a webshop task runs into an error, this report will reset the status of the tasks with Job Queue category code 'WEBSHOP'.

Automatic Processing

Tasks scheduled in the Synchronization Dashboard will be processed by the Job Queue if they have the following setup:

• Status is set to 'Released'.
• Processing Policy is set to 'On Timer'.